Ventilation Assessment

A snapshot of mine ventilation practices in underground mines

Under Regulation 854, mines are required to have mechanical ventilation systems that will dilute and remove contaminants from the workplace. Mines are required to maintain accurate plans and records of their mechanical ventilation and auxiliary ventilation systems. Properly functioning ventilation systems are critical to reducing a worker’s exposure to occupational diseases that can result from common contaminants found in an underground mining environment. 

Mine Ventilation Assessment Services

Workplace Safety North’s (WSN) one-day Mine Ventilation Assessment examines current ventilation practices at an operation, including:

  • Program, policies and procedures, including mine ventilation layouts, standard operating procedures, and mine ventilation standards

  • Communication and worker awareness of common contaminants found in headings

  • Monitoring and control practices such as airflow and air contaminant testing, airflow, air quality, noise levels and diesel equipment exhaust testing records

  • Quality of auxiliary mine ventilation system installations

  • Quality of installation of mine ventilation controls

Following the ventilation assessment, WSN issues a comprehensive written report that includes a detailed analysis of the ventilation assessment findings and observations. A sample of underground observations is included in the table below.  


Costs are dependent on the scope of the assessment. WSN is a not-for-profit organization; fees are set to cover the costs of consumables, travel, hotel accommodation and administrative time for report writing.