
WSN health and safety specialists can offer audits related to specific hazards such as noise, ground control or equipment lockout, as well as more general audits of health and safety programs and systems. Not all audits are suitable for all sectors — please contact WSN for more information.

Ground Control

The WSN Ground Control Audit is a comprehensive examination of policy, procedure and practices related to ground support in underground mines. The audit evaluates mine design, the program for written communications, written ground support procedures, and the quality control program foreground support. 

Health and Safety Systems Audit

Our Health and Safety Systems Audit is a comprehensive and unique evaluation system that moves beyond traditional audits to focus on leading indicators within your health and safety system - activities and conditions that exist in your workplace affecting the overall success of your health and safety record. To be successful in our health and safety outcomes, we need to know which activities and programs contribute to that success. This fresh approach sets this tool apart and ensures best practices applied to industry leaders are shared by all. The system audit report will be available for presentation within one calendar month of the audit taking place. Three to four days are required for conducting the system audit with pricing based on size of firm.

Legislative Compliance Audit

Our Legislative Compliance Audit evaluates adherence to health and safety legislation under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. Compliance to existing legislation must be in place for an organization to build and integrate health and safety into its daily activities. This audit includes the evaluation of over 30 elements tied specifically to legislation as well as a physical conditions inspection. Record reviews and interviews form part of the process for conducting a Legislative Compliance Audit. For most operations this audit is conducted within one day. Accompanying the final report is a detailed reference manual.


Lockout and guarding hazards are common hazards in many workplaces, with devastating consequences if the hazards are not eliminated or controlled. Lockout and guarding audits combine a document review, site observation and interviews to evaluate the company’s lockout and guarding program, identify gaps and recommend solutions.

Needs Assessment

This upfront assessment and needs identification tool sets the framework to integrate your health and safety efforts into your existing management system. Through short one-on-one interviews, your WSN consultant trainer will quickly be able to assess your current situation and provide direction to immediate priorities and opportunities for improvement within your existing programs. Needs assessment and identification take place within two hours for most operations.