Forest Products

How WSN serves Ontario forest products industries

Forest Products

WSN is the provincial not-for-profit health and safety association for forest products industries, including forestry, paper, printing, and converting. It provides occupational health and safety consulting, training, resources, statistics, ergonomic, and industrial hygiene support for the Ontario forestry sector, including conventional and mechanical logging, milled wood products (including wood container, pallet manufacturing, and structural wood products), sawmills, silviculture; and veneer, plywood, and wood preservation.

Free forestry health and safety resources, including guidelines, safety talks, posters, and more. Industry research on the top risks and their root causes are listed below.

Paper, printing, and converting resources and research are listed further below.

 Risk Assessment and Root Cause Analyses

Paper, Printing, and Converting sector

WSN provides occupational health and safety resources, training, ergonomic, and industrial hygiene and consulting for the Ontario paper, printing, and converting sector, including corrugated and solid fibre boxes, folding cartons, paper products; printing, platemaking, and binding; and pulp, newsprint, and specialty papers.

Free paper, printing, and converting health and safety resources, including guidelines, safety talks, posters, and more.

Connect with an Expert

Do you need help with your workplace health and safety journey or understanding how to meet and exceed legislated requirements?

WSN Health and Safety Specialists are located across Ontario to help you with your health and safety program. Sector-specific experts have in-depth knowledge of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and applicable legislation.

Sector-specific services include virtual and on-site consultations for legislative compliance, gap analysis, best practices, and specific problem-solving.

Find a Specialist


WSN has an extensive catalogue of sector-specific training courses designed and delivered by health and safety experts. WSN offers over 100 valuable training programs, including Common Core, Working at Heights, and Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification Part 1, 2, and refresher. Also available in French.

Course Catalogue

Health and Safety Excellence program

The WSN Health and Safety Excellence program provides Ontario workplaces a clear roadmap on how to improve workplace health and safety. The Excellence program is a performance-based rebate program developed by the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). Participants create safer workplaces and earn both financial and non-financial rewards.

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Safe Workplace Ontario (SWO) program

The Safe Workplace Ontario (SWO) certification program, established in 1997, is a third-party health and safety designation program for Ontario businesses. This voluntary audit process allows forestry firms to continuously monitor and improve health and safety programs, policies, and procedures.

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Forest Products Advisory Committee

The WSN Forest Products advisory committee meets four times a year to provide leadership and input to help influence future health and safety programs, products and services in support of sector needs.

Latest News and Events

Stay connected and up to date on the latest health and safety news and upcoming events. Follow WSN on XLinkedInInstagram, and Facebook.

Hazard Alerts

WSN encourages companies to submit hazard alerts. WSN works with firms to draft a hazard alert for distribution to firms in similar industries.