Hazard Alerts



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Traditional Cyanide antidote kit now off the...

Background Cyanide is used in gold mines and mills as part of the extraction process to remove gold...
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Preventing equipment fires

There is no free oxygen in the underground, and nothing consumes oxygen faster than fire What...

Disclaimer - Some of the Hazard Alerts in this archive were originally prepared by WSN predecessor organizations for use by industry clients. While much of the information is still valuable, users should recognize that examples, contact information and data such as legislative references may be out of date.

The Hazard Alerts are offered as free tools for companies to use in an effort to continuously improve their health and safety systems. Users of these alerts also need to ensure that they are aware of the most recent legislation, equipment and processes, as well as current practices. 

Submit a Hazard Alert - WSN encourages companies to submit hazard alerts. WSN works with firms to draft a hazard alert for distribution to firms in similar industries.

Submit a Hazard Alert   Latest health and safety news